Blog Post
September 27, 2022
There may be a lockdown, but we’re still open for business!
Although lockdown restrictions to ease the impact of the pandemic are still in place, we want to assure our customers that RSBruce remains fully operational and open for business.

The safety of our clients and staff is our main priority and so is carrying out a quality service and meeting our customers needs. So, with the confidence in our team’s abilities and the strict social distancing, hygiene and safety regulations we have in place, we will continue working as close to normal as we can.
Wherever possible our office staff are working from home. However, for any of our team that are working within our facility, we are taking a proactive approach in complying with the guidelines provided by the UK Government, Public Health England and NHS Trust to protect their health and wellbeing and that of our customers.
Throughout our facility we have spaced out workstations and desks and introduced one-way systems, additional cleaning procedures and sanitiser stations in our reception and communal areas. We have also staggered shift patterns, reduced team sizes where possible and introduced work bubbles so we can keep person to person contact and mixing to a minimum; whilst having enough people available to meet customer deadlines and keep our colleagues working in a safe environment.
We are also regularly liaising with our supply-chain partners to manage any potential impact to services and foresee no issues with regards to our capabilities and the support we can provide both new and existing customers.
We will continue to monitor activities around the pandemic regularly and comply fully with any operational and safety updates provided. While ever it is still possible however, we will ensure any projects and commitments we have will be completed on time and to the exceptional level of quality that we are recognised for.
So, if you need support with your Precious Metal Recovery, Lithium Battery Recycling, Toll Processing or Plant Cleaning requirements, we are here to help.
Call us on 0114 244 8050 or click here to complete our online contact form and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Metal Recovery
September 27, 2022
What Are The Most Commonly Recovered Metals and Their Sources?
Here at RSBruce, we have been helping our clients to recover precious metals from solids and liquids
Robert Harvey
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September 27, 2022
"Nothing stopping us at the moment"
Two new testimonials added today to the growing list of happy customers!...
Sam Haig
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PGM Plant Cleaning
September 27, 2022
Delving into our history of more than 35 years
We’re one of Yorkshire and the UK’s longest established precious metal recovery businesses, but...
Robert Harvey
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