Nitric Acid Plant Cleaning
Best Practice Guide
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Over the last 35 years, RSBruce have completed over 700 plant clean downs and metal recovery operations globally.
RSBruce first developed effective nitric acid plant cleaning techniques in the mid 1980’s together with Johnson Matthey and have been at the forefront of technology development ever since.
Maximising the value from nitric acid plant cleaning outlines in detail, many positive ways in which the plant operator can impact the amount of metal recoverable and recovered from their plant; both during a clean down while the plant is in operation and at end of life, when a plant is decommissioned and scrapped.

Topics include:
Recovery Methodology
Pros and cons and reasons for selection subtle differences that can have a significant impact on the amount of metal recovered to how long the plant is offline for clean down.
Management of Clean Down Projects
How do you ensure that your contractor is working in your best interest? These simple yet often overlooked factors will have a significant impact on the amount of metal recovered.
The Hidden Costs of Nitric Acid Plant Cleaning
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