Metal Recovery
RSBruce recovers precious and valuable metal resources from solid and liquid wastes, chemical plants and equipment, parts, electronics and a wide range of materials from many industries.
We have a wide range of technologies and equipment developed to enable the recovery of value in the form of metals:
In value for our customers
litres of waste liquids
Road to Recovery
Initial discussion to go through your project in detail. We need an understanding of what the material is and, particularly in the case of spent catalyst streams, what hazardous materials are present.
Even if the material contains low concentrations of precious metal or has deleterious elements that most refiners will not touch, we are happy to explore this project with you. We have a wealth of knowledge in this field, designing and implementing bespoke processing solutions.
Free of charge sample processing to identify what recovery process lends itself to your material and the most economical way to do so at scale. The key here is to make sure that the economics of the project stand up and it doesn't cost you more in processing costs than what actual value in precious metal is present. After completion, you will be supplied a report detailing what we have found and our estimation of recovery at scale.

After we have processed the sample and have established that the project will be economical, we will supply terms for that material which will include processing costs and recovery rates.

We can either help with arranging transport of the material or you can ship direct. Our site is manned by onsite security 24/7 and you or your nominated 3rd party are welcome to visit at anytime during the processing of your material.
We understand that we will be processing materials with considerable amounts of potential value.
That is why we have an open-door policy for all customers who would like to watch their material being processed, or even would just like to witness material receipt and weighing in.
After completion you will be supplied a full job report and outturn document. At this point you will receive back the metal we have recovered.
We can either sell the metal on your behalf and transfer funds via bank transfer or we can move the metal directly onto your chosen refining account.

Recovery from a wide range of sources
RSBruce recovers precious and valuable metal resources from solid and liquid wastes, chemical plants and equipment, parts, electronics and a wide range of materials from many industries.
We have a wide range of technologies and equipment developed to enable recovery of value in the form of metals, whether that be Platinum Group Metals: Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, Ruthenium etc. or metals such as Gold, Silver, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Titanium, Silver or Copper.
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Many new uses are emerging for ruthenium. Most is used in the electronics industry for chip resistors and electrical con...
Read MoreThe major use of rhodium is in catalytic converters for cars (80%). It reduces nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases. Rhodium..
Read MorePalladium
Most palladium is used in catalytic converters for cars. It is also used in jewellery and some dental fillings and crown...
Read MoreIridium
Iridium is the most corrosion-resistant material known. It is used in special alloys and forms an alloy with osmium, whi...
Read MorePlatinum
Platinum is used extensively for jewellery. Its main use, however, is in catalytic converters for cars, trucks and buses...
Read MoreMain Types Of Recovery
RSBruce can recover metal from a wide
range of source materials.